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[翻唱]Nothin' On You Feat. RJ

发表于 2011-1-13 11:45:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MB的这歌折磨死我了折磨死我了RJ我会报复你的!!3 o  ], N! {* _* ~/ j
0 B4 S1 k8 i! ~  U4 J: C- w于是一首歌录了12次!!虽然比不上蓬莱花录了141次但是每次都是被PIA发音我情何以堪!!!
8 e: i( O7 P# Q===============以上是吐槽=====================
( X# w* G2 [: m+ X7 f9 Q# u/ H$ k! J3 x' ^2 y3 d0 ]" ~" \
- x+ |2 k, ^% V9 n: O( H认识第一天就秉烛触膝长谈【好想有啥不对!$ G# y0 F7 ~$ q& ?3 J( u
总之就是相似之处甚多但是有个地方很不一样就是我是攻他是受【无误!4 t6 m8 h9 ^2 C! ^) C" W3 p+ ]" ~
: P/ ~* m9 j1 j- S于是我们俩就开始商议JQ曲目!: f$ H( Y& B; E8 R
因为我好想唱鹰文但是由于发音问题一直不敢录在RJ的鼓励下我总算厚着脸皮第一次唱了【事实证明我是渣!9 v5 p0 q1 L4 S1 v
  x1 N7 v* r8 d3 A) B* K于是我们还会有第二次第三次第N次【无误!
7 A3 H2 Q5 i* J) J最后表白一句:RJ你好美我好好【哔--你啊!!
5 }3 x* L! H# [( k- l$ e% n$ c4 N$ c+ `. y
5 a4 M9 ~. ~* t' d+ o
http://fc.5sing.com/3028212.html1 K+ J8 S* l  _$ }/ F. ?, e

& d' u+ U8 n( {. Z- f% \9 ~6 T4 q/ i
' `: v( D) F0 a8 y
Nothin' On You. n. Z: S! j: X1 _4 }* R
; u' j: y3 |4 i$ y* G9 M
) n2 V) f0 u' p& D3 ^4 n词曲:B. o. B. & Bruno Mars
* J  \  \0 @+ S4 C- b$ I/ {Rap主音、和声:RaJor) ]/ ^; ^) e1 x1 c
副歌主音、和声:狸猫. Tanuki" i4 _) l; _5 o9 j2 _' H
后期:RaJor4 o5 S# I' T$ W) {# T" P/ j2 p

# \8 u; l5 e& `$ p1 [! T4 x/ E, G【狸猫】:* g& ?0 W/ E5 G! R! r( H
Beautiful girls all over the world8 r9 I1 {6 X- B" H! J4 F& ~) B( z; J
3 \0 V: V- A3 F6 D9 FI could be chasing but my time would be wasted; e* P4 @) _9 I8 ^0 h' B) x
我当然能把到她们 但这根本是在把时间浪费
0 J" ?/ r4 F4 h3 b' A' l' dThey got nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)% m2 S" B0 n, _5 r: F
她们完全比不上你 宝贝8 t& J6 n1 p2 P6 V
Nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)" {. {& B0 [4 o7 t* d. E, V
完全比不上你 宝贝) a! z4 [: |% N1 H
They might say hi and i might say hey; d$ ~* I1 M1 w
她们也许会跟我说“嗨” 我也可能回礼说“嘿”6 V0 Z, A6 ~1 G. d/ E
But you shouldn't worry about what they say
7 \) J. \3 n! ~; \0 Y7 P但你完全不用担心流言乱飞
- ^1 p, f& ]2 a" c+ J; z& |'Cos they got nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
$ g% D. B9 T' W因为她们完全比不上你 宝贝" a2 g( F6 U; A
Nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
; ^. E, f7 t9 N$ }; y1 G& r  p完全比不上你 宝贝
& w0 }" P$ P2 {" q' t
' H) F$ U' c+ }% n6 ^( e【RJ】:4 O/ `* j4 h, p$ @# T+ |! X
I know you feel where i'm coming from& C8 f3 `/ t0 b" s( j# Z
* K9 h, K' K1 WRegardless of the things in my past that i've done! M3 F2 M% p+ f1 j2 P; J5 G+ `/ o
你不在乎我的过去是怎样  ?4 a; l; v" g& @6 `5 k
Most of it really's for the hell of the fun
; W9 Z" j2 K0 b" q. ?$ [其实大多数时候都只是觉得好就上
5 G' q( e, v/ h2 e, {0 C  pOn the carousel so around i spun (spun)( R9 z$ E! D' ~* y; a5 N" a/ l
就像坐旋转木马般 我已晕头转向
* o% t2 d. s  Q! t' G- TWith no directions just tryna get some (some)
7 K  {% E: P1 x+ a/ |% G: q4 ]完全不明就里 仅仅是想上床$ ~: Y" ~0 P  _2 M; f7 f$ ], s- c
Tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun (sun)
8 I$ l3 |/ A, y# A. K想要把妹 甘愿顶着大太阳: ]) g, I6 K% K) u  p/ N
This is how I lost more than I had ever won
; X3 \( ?2 T2 Q/ g( }; X0 ^- |所以我全盘皆输 感情泡汤0 l  P. x0 T3 ?
And honestly I ended up with none" w7 t4 r  C, W. i" b
老实说 我一直以悲剧收场
# B/ b9 ]8 s: b
! i, |5 k: j  @& }7 l+ ~' U7 |There's no much nonsense It's on my conscience( b6 s* i) F: Z$ h
我的嘴边堆满了废话* B8 J( E9 }$ F: x9 C
I'm thinking maybe i should get it out
3 X) }4 r4 \/ @; g' y我想“也许我该放松一下”+ y& c: F7 _2 Q- J, K7 x
And I don't wanna sound redundant but I was wondering
6 Q4 }6 Q- [1 E; `$ e我不想重复那些老话 我只是在想. e# s3 j* w5 u! n. ?
If there was something that you wanna know (that you wanna know)8 s6 ?- a5 T' ^
  ?" Z: q# W6 F. q' \+ R4 \But never mind that we should let it go (we should let it go), u% x8 u# N2 C2 {- T: R8 x+ }% n0 ]
算了别管那些了 我们都该对过去挥挥手
1 T, Q, t& \5 k9 u0 o# E2 U'Cos we don't wanna be a TV episode (TV episode)
- E+ z7 h! t$ b  L, Z$ h! x1 P& L我们不想搞得和电视剧一样
* [; [! v9 ?1 f" c4 r, l3 Y. p# V4 XAnd all the bad thoughts just let them go (go, go, go, go)$ B/ x6 q" x9 L- y9 U  W8 W; o$ m
所有的烦恼 就让它们都溜走
' ^% [  D5 z7 O3 N& j2 N8 c( A& p0 ^& P7 G, o: b* W1 g
【狸猫】:# |) D4 W+ Z9 x- H
Beautiful girls all over the world
. H% J; Y$ @: ], Q+ x" k4 q7 W世界上有那么多美丽女孩, t/ h  ]5 I  v8 t; [/ X( x
I could be chasing but my time would be wasted$ ~. o- w, }' _) p$ A
我当然能把到她们 但这根本是在把时间浪费
4 [; c' e' h& b* ^They got nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
' x2 @* ~7 C  Q她们完全比不上你 宝贝# m8 X9 l1 w. A  z' c$ R
Nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
- a1 ~  h2 Z! r完全比不上你 宝贝
- W! Y0 U! L- fThey might say hi and i might say hey
0 d) O1 b' y2 f: w$ X: M5 C她们也许会跟我说“嗨” 我也可能回礼说“嘿”
: k+ H  \1 I3 I4 Y( KBut you shouldn't worry about what they say
- ]; v- ~  Y- [, G; r6 |但你完全不用担心流言乱飞/ Z! H6 J) ^9 F+ L, E3 b3 V' Q4 t# M5 t
'Cos they got nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
# K+ w# i; R' k1 V7 c0 K因为她们完全比不上你 宝贝5 b$ e3 m- K7 t1 _7 q5 X
Nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
: s5 C, |$ z8 F0 _" a" P1 s完全比不上你 宝贝4 p) N3 A( Z  p& S
4 ?1 M0 a, D; A- K* {  y9 V; Y
【RJ】:; o6 w5 v0 ^) ~7 H. T* a
Hands down there will never be another one4 L+ P6 ~4 l6 q9 h; U" K
毫无疑问 世上不会再有另一个你
/ o6 T- o6 |0 |! R1 c7 GI been around and I never seen another one
! x/ Z7 z7 k1 K, V$ x; w! G$ M0 y我已等候多时 眼中只有你
7 E( g: G8 D5 A' wLook at your style they ain't really got nothing on2 \# G! x4 X/ h4 e; H
你的格调实在是无人能比$ B4 z. z2 p3 J* Q0 Z
And you out and you ain't got nothing on
6 s* X( N8 J+ r0 C# ^( N3 w; E" {赤裸身躯 满满情趣
) A' \2 i* X" E  Z( D$ A8 J( ~6 j2 C7 c. rBaby you're the whole package plus you pay your taxes
# L( h- B& K# a+ n' d宝贝你完美无缺 甚至还会自己掏腰包
, V( c* e( J, L) B9 G9 n! I# DAnd you keep it real while them other stay plastic# B) K( }6 d# v! Z, ^
别人都去整容 你却保持自然美
4 O+ E$ _4 H! xYou're my wonder women call me mr. Fantastic
2 T; g8 L  [: n5 o0 y+ q% v你是我命中的注定 我是你成真的美梦
- t" u( e5 v) S& v6 oStop.. now think about it: }# F, _- b) x& @0 H- V* }0 I
停停停 让我好好想想
4 B9 _* a& i( }: [) ^: }' F, M6 ^  e+ h- a$ z
I've been to london, I've been to paris1 Q1 B+ O  Q- T( L5 u; H  Y
我去过伦敦 去过巴黎/ x6 j7 m$ {' e# o4 Y
Even went there in tokyo4 c+ t# s; C  N4 p
东京也没有放过5 n% G% Y) V* w3 \7 C  `7 _
Back home down in Georgia to New Orleans8 P, u5 t. W- J4 L, ^3 t
回到乔治亚 然后到新奥尔良* Q- N2 o# ?; A2 M7 y1 T' j7 t
But you're always still to show (still to show)6 m2 D. h9 y' a6 R, X
但你总抢走大半风光" m0 J8 ]' b5 q
And just like that girl you got me froze (got me froze)
4 X/ a* D+ b7 U; I* q. H9 g. W  x就这样 你让我心跳骤停
- D& P6 m% C% C% FLike a Nintendo 64 (64)3 E/ L+ b4 P+ N5 e) u% J& J
  L0 Z( M9 q0 g" d: P$ W; _If you never knew well now you know (know, know, know,% |" f" t: v9 P3 A
know); |% @& g, o1 @
如果你从前不知道 此时已该明了' i+ j- S$ P' I3 @" D/ ^, O
5 n8 }3 [9 @* M5 H8 I8 y3 C9 |
/ E9 |- k8 U7 X% ABeautiful girls all over the world! g9 d/ r4 Z+ k  ~* G( Y1 F% N) X
世界上有那么多美丽女孩8 D' k+ L/ p, P1 W9 {% J+ q* ]. g
I could be chasing but my time would be wasted
/ a! U  T- {, G) L我当然能把到她们 但这根本是在把时间浪费9 ^1 l5 U: v3 X
They got nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)  M8 [* x$ \( z/ w
她们完全比不上你 宝贝+ X$ D1 Z4 e* [0 J
Nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
9 z: e6 W( A$ ?$ P9 L完全比不上你 宝贝
2 U  M& D0 ?5 P& uThey might say hi and i might say hey9 G( r. r+ z3 ^+ v1 D* i% e# ^
她们也许会跟我说“嗨” 我也可能回礼说“嘿”7 x/ p$ ^8 V7 f7 ~  x
But you shouldn't worry about what they say- D; ^" Q; _+ R3 g
但你完全不用担心流言乱飞  m' K, l3 T+ z1 Z- G! _
'Cos they got nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
; e" d( p) b2 @% j2 E, H因为她们完全比不上你 宝贝( v( V% U) O, Y' H
Nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
- D& a, A! k! B$ w* y- O& l完全比不上你 宝贝- M/ O' _" p, E, e: Q, v
- J% ?" k4 x: J1 p/ Z( j* B( s% q
【RJ】:0 d9 }6 b) b, B! o+ W- E- R
Everywhere I go I'm always hearing your name (name, name)
8 ?. t' ^6 H7 I4 b3 `+ Q0 p不论走到哪里 脑海中总是浮现你的名字  q9 E) g9 G3 i7 ]$ Y
And no matter where I'm at girl you make me wanna sing (sing.sing)+ b0 \( w4 T4 j. a
不管我在那里 你总让我想高唱+ R7 K& ]& g  w$ b; p
Whether a bus or a plane or a car or a train6 B# x+ V8 K& T! |/ j
不论巴士还是飞机 汽车还是火车
6 k9 h* x  P3 F5 f! E; y# L# i( `- M& ONo other girls on my brain and you're the one to blame
: K( a8 @8 I4 v$ x& r/ |我的心中再没装不下他人 都怪你~& t! p2 X: }: [; G

% S1 ^* T9 ~4 Z8 V1 Q【狸猫】:/ K* G  M7 n7 T$ H
Beautiful girls all over the world
3 }. p4 `7 R+ c. V0 H5 J0 c世界上有那么多美丽女孩
( _4 v9 C, |  e1 I4 S( C5 wI could be chasing but my time would be wasted
: C# K; g9 n2 }  V  @/ L我当然能把到她们 但这根本是在把时间浪费
1 b$ w  ~0 E4 oThey got nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
0 P; E. [6 x' m( L: ^她们完全比不上你 宝贝
+ K* U$ Z( A; P( V5 J$ MNothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
+ H! m. x1 i  \完全比不上你 宝贝) X5 |& a! w7 C$ n* C8 C
They might say hi and i might say hey2 o" l4 L/ R% k# B
她们也许会跟我说“嗨” 我也可能回礼说“嘿”. T- p( a. n+ ~! J8 m
But you shouldn't worry about what they say* w2 P2 a4 h6 a3 @* C9 F0 |9 c
但你完全不用担心流言乱飞) Q  N# ^9 _5 \1 x' ?& Q2 x
'Cos they got nothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
$ i& ~5 Y1 {$ k0 r因为她们完全比不上你 宝贝
1 }1 j5 C; z  D5 ^5 [+ p0 bNothin' on you baby (Oooh~Oooh~)
/ w+ [# ^* M- l完全比不上你 宝贝
# J' j+ T7 D. w& U' Y: D' i- ?; b- G( F( v  v& G+ g( L
; j& ?7 S- g3 C  E: S8 D& R7 R3 |Yeah and that's just how we do it
* [; }. a* ^& A, d, {: `恩哼 这就是成品咯8 G' [( w3 Y% F8 v
And I'ma let this ride: q% o* z$ p3 n! {
设成主打呗6 F1 [' G3 P7 ~% C1 m
RJ and TK~the first time~C'mon3 T' I; f1 {+ B  D% d; I) ]% X
发表于 2011-1-16 00:22:47 | 显示全部楼层
! I# ^# f- [1 o

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-1-16 11:55:09 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-1-17 20:01:32 | 显示全部楼层
声音不错,很喜欢,就是个别单词发音有点怪,(worry,nothing)# i) m! B. m7 f! n$ \2 m
不过英文歌能唱到这样很不错了,支持下6 j- A/ v, M* F# K0 s5 Y

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-1-23 17:43:46 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-16 10:47:32 | 显示全部楼层
现在的我只有膜拜的份 大爱这歌

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-3-30 13:27:46 | 显示全部楼层
很厉害哦!  这歌能唱这么好!!!  声音很好听哦

使用道具 举报

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